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MyTake on Video Games

MyTake Recommended Games
What do you do when you don't fell like reviewing a game, but still want some content for your video game page. BONK! Times up. Well, you simply pawn off a list of recommended games for the reader to research his/her self ofcourse. So thats exactly what I'll do.
There are only a few games each year that really go beyond the call of duty, and become more experiences than simple games. You want to know what they are. Well, here are my top 5 favorite video games, brought to you in a... Well, I think you can guess.

  • Prince of Persia "The Sands of Time". Simply put, this is an incredible game. With its mix of action, adventure, puzzle, and movie elements, you won't put it down until it's over. Which does come all to soon. This one's for all next gen consoles.

  • Metal Gear Solid. Here is a classic. When this came out several years ago on the Playstation, it was a video game revolotion. The idea here isn't to run into an impossible odds situation, but rather to use stealth and cunning to accomplish your goals. Besides being out for the Playstation, a remake of this game is currently available for the Gamecube.

  • Metal Gear Solid 2 "Sons of Liberty". This was the first Metal Gear for the PS2. Although you didn't get to play as the series hero Solid Snake, it's still an incredible game. Look for it on the PS2, or buy MGS2 Substance (basically a repackaging of the origanal with a few extras) on PS2 and Xbox.

  • NBA Street Vol. 2. Like video games? You'll love this one. It's arcade style basketball action make it the perfect party game. Highly recommended for the casual gamer.

  • Donkey Kong Country. What? A game for Snes on a list of the five best games, how can this be? I'll tell ya how. This is my favorite game from its time. It's platform jumping, badguy busting, aquatic ape goodness, that's more fun than a barrel of, well you know.

Thanks for reading my list of favorite games. I sure enjoyed these games and hope you will to. I leave you now with the honorable mentions.

  • NHL '94

  • Madden series

  • Anything Mario

  • The Legend of Zelda "The Wind Waker"

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